loving sacrificially,
serving generously,
and seeking Jesus together
to see God’s kingdom come
in the Naperville area and beyond

Join Us Sundays

Traditional Worship Service at 9:00 am  

Contemporary Worship Service at 10:30 am  

Livestream Worship Service

You can also subscribe to Knox's YouTube channel to view the Service On-Demand.

Who We Are

Lives are changed
by Jesus.

We’re together in highs and lows. 

We take fun seriously.

Kids grow here.

Service is hands-on.

We cultivate curiosity.

Kids ministry is available Sunday Mornings for ages birth - 5th Grade. Wednesday Night Program and other activities throughout the year.

Middle School youth are welcome to worship with families or find friends to sit with during the services on Sundays.
Middle School Group (6-8th Grade) meets on Wednesday evenings, 8th Grade Confirmation meets Sunday evenings, with other activities throughout the year.
High School youth are welcome to worship with families or find friends to sit with during the services on Sundays.
Youth Group meets on Wednesday evenings, Bible Study on Sunday evenings, with other activities throughout the year.

Featured Events


Children's Day Out operates as a ministry of Knox Presbyterian Church. Our mission is to help children grow socially and emotionally in a loving and nurturing setting where they learn about themselves and their world, communicate with others and live in Christian community.
Open to all post-high schoolers into their 20's, Knox Young Adult ministry seeks to journey with our young adults as they continue in their faith journey.
Knox Kids ministry is for birth to 5th Grade. Knox Partners with families in raising the next generation to love God with all their heart, soul and strength and to love their neighbor as themselves through weekly activities.
Knox has a wide variety of adult ministry opportunities for members, visitors, and friends. Our opportunities range from religious education to social events. We encourage all adult members to find an activity that interests them.
Knox Middle School ministry for 6th-8th Grade seeks to grow our student's faith through worship, Scripture, and plenty of fun. 
Music is one incredible medium through which we worship our God. The Knox community is blessed with several talented instrumentalists and singers who have a passion for sharing their musical gifts for the glory of God and the edification of God's people.
Confirmation is a year-long class for 8th Grade students to explore faith and make it their own, with opportunities for fellowship, service, baptism, and church membership.
There are times when we all need to experience the loving presence of the Body of Christ. Through our Caring Ministries, we are together in highs and lows, coming alongside one another in our joys and sorrows. If you are in the midst of a challenging season, need someone to listen, or want to have someone pray for you and with you, please don't hesitate to call the church to get connected to one of our pastors or someone from one of our Caring teams.
Knox High School ministry for 9th-12th Grade strives to deepen our student's faith through growing relationships - with Christ, with one another, and with the parents on our Youth Council. We gather to ask hard questions, to study God's word, to worship, and to have ridiculous amounts of fun.
The mission of Knox is to Learn, Grow, and Serve as followers of Jesus Christ. We take service seriously and have incredible opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus throughout the world. We encourage you to consider one of these amazing ministries.


Life is better together. 


Make a difference in our church, our neighborhood, and our world!  

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