Caring Ministries

Use your gifts to care for others.

If you are in the midst of a challenging season, need someone to listen, or want to have someone pray for you and with you, please don't hesitate to call the church to get connected to one of our pastors or someone from one of our Caring teams.

Card Ministry

The Knox Card Ministry sends cards of encouragement and love most months to each person on the Knox Prayer list.  Our hope is to make sure that everyone feels supported by their Knox Family and this helps them get through whatever they may be facing.  Cards and stamps are provided.  We need more people to help us write them, which is usually only about 6 cards every other month.  Please consider joining our team! Email Carol O'Neil for more information. 

Congregational Care Team

The Congregational Care Team ministers to individuals or couples, and their families, who are home-bound or in a care facility. We visit with them regularly and share what is going on in the church.   

Prayer Ministries

Knox offers regular weekly prayer opportunities as well as special prayer events throughout the year.

Knox Prayer Team meets weekly year round to lift up concerns, from worldwide to those requested by Knox attenders.  If you are feeling called to join our Prayer Team, are a member of Knox, and will keep confidential the concerns on our list, please contact Robin Kolar.

If you have a specific prayer request or wish to speak with a pastor, please call the church office at 630-355-8181.  You may also email a confidential prayer request to  or fill out prayer request form


The deacons of Knox Presbyterian Church, answering the call of Christ, seek to reach out with hands and heart, ministering with love to welcome, encourage, comfort and uplift the people of this community of faith. According to the Book of Order, “It is the duty of deacons to minister to those who are in need -- to the sick, to the friendless and to any who may be in distress.”
Click the button to see the Deacon Team.

Pastoral Visits

Whether celebrating the birth of a child, suffering a disabling injury or facing a serious illness, a pastoral visit at one's home or the hospital can be an uplifting experience. Our Pastor's and care team regularly visit those in need, lifting them up in prayer, offering fellowship and support, and sharing the Lord's Supper.  Questions? Please contact Stephanie Hild at 630-615-4308.

Stephen Ministers

Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2, NRSV).

If you are experiencing a life crisis, whether it is grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or relocation (to name a few), a Stephen Minister may be able to help.  Stephen Ministers come into a person’s life immediately after a crisis has hit and then provide care for as long after as needed.  A Stephen Minister meets with you on a weekly basis to listen, care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support.   If you would like to talk to someone about a Stephen Minister, please contact either Sue Curry or Lisa Wilkins.


We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.

Rev. Dr. David Bruner

C o-Pastor

Rev. Becca Bruner
