Knox Women

Discover, share, invest and celebrate together.

She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

Opportunities to Connect

There are many opportunities to get involved and nurture a life-long relationship with Christ.
To view the dates of events visit the calendar.

Fall Luncheon

Knox has a place for you to serve, study, and enjoy the fellowship of one another. Find your seat at Knox’s Women’s Table. Hope to see you there!

Feed My Starving Children

Volunteer at Feed My Starving Children. Join us at the Aurora station to help package meals for those who go hungry every day.

Spring Flower Sale

Order your spring flowers for your yard for a good cause.

Mocktail Party, Winter

Women of Knox & friends are invited to a Mocktail Party Night to enjoy fellowship and fun!

Garden Walk, Summer

Enjoy a self-guided tour of seven lovely Naperville homeowner’s gardens. All ticket proceeds go to a mission.


Join us for a retreat of relaxation, personal reflection, and fellowship.

Ladies Night Out

Join your Knox friends for a fun evening together!

Bible Study

Tuesday Morning

Tuesday Morning Bible study meets weekly except the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 9:00 am- 10:30 am in the Conference Room.
Contact Sue Curry -

Women on Wednesday

Whether you are a mom with children at home, whether you are single, retired or somewhere in-between, Women On Wednesdays wants you...and your friends and neighbors!

This program is a Bible study for women of all ages and levels of Bible knowledge and all are welcome. WOW meets from 9:15 am - 11:15 am with fellowship and refreshments, followed by large and small group discussions, DVD presentations and prayer.
Questions? Contact Robin or Margaret
View the calendar for when Wow begins.

Mom's Bible Study

This Bible Study is geared toward moms of school age children. Let’s create a community of women at Knox Presbyterian Church where we can share our lives together as it relates to motherhood and the Gospel.

Wednesday October 23, 2024 at 7:30 pm-9:00 pm begins the 8 week study.
Contact Emily Bell if Interested

Presbyterian Women

Small Groups or "Circles" are the heart of PW and for every woman seeking Fellowship, Bible Study and Mission opportunities. Each Circle at Knox participates in larger events
and missions to find greater connection with one another and to the church.

To learn more about PW contact Sue Johnpeter
Our National Mission Statement
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves: To nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, To support the mission of the church worldwide, To build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God's Kingdom.

Current Small Groups

Deborah Circle: 
May-Dec. at various times at Knox and at members’ homes.
Contact: Ann Beran Jones -

Mary/Martha Circle: 
9:30 am 2nd Tues. of the month at Knox
Contacts: Lori Wood -
Sandi Hurford -

Rachel-Rebekah Circle: 
2nd Tues. of the month at 1.30 pm at Knox Family Room
Contact: Leslie Taylor -

Ruth Circle: 
3rd Thurs. of the month at 7 pm in Knox Family Room
Contact: Bev Mayer -

Your New Group?

Yes! You can form your own group with your own purpose. Some examples are Moms with Young Children, Young Professionals, Women on the Move and Coffee Break.

If you are interested in volunteering and learning more? Contact Sue Johnpeter

Featured Events

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.

Rev. Becca Bruner
