Partnering with families in raising the next generation to love God with all their heart, soul and strength and to love their neighbor as themselves.

Welcome to Knox! 

Help us to get to know your family better by filling out the Visitor Form


Our Sunday programing takes place during the Worship Services after the Children's message. Kids 3 years old through 5th Grade are welcome to participate or remain with their parents in the Sanctuary. You will find worship activity bags, activity sheets and Bibles in the back of the Sanctuary.

Childcare is offered for birth - 3 years old and is always available during the Worship Services. The age is extended up to 5yrs old on the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sundays).


Our Wednesday programing is an evening of fun, friends and fellowship for kindergarten through 5th grade. We offer two semesters or a week by week for our Knox Kids Wednesday Program.
Learn more and Register.

Knox POP's

Are you the parent of a kid that is preschool or younger?
We have a group for you!
The Knox POPS group meets at various times throughout the year to gather together as families. During our meetings there are also times to come together as parents while your kids are watched by Knox Volunteers. If interested, please email The leaders of the group, Melanie Fang or Brandi Odgers, will be in touch.
“Parenting is difficult. But what you do as a parent or caregiver every day and every week matters. Your actions—over time—are the single greatest influence in the life of your child (at every age)."

Special Events

Knox Kids offers many Special events throughout the year.
Third Grade Bibles, Trunk or Treat, Cookies and Cocoa With Santa, Parents' Night Out, Egging, VBS and more! Check out our calendar to see what is happening!

Knox Kids FAQs

What curriculum do you use?

Check out 252 Kids! It shows samples of the content we use with the kids on Sunday mornings and Wednesday Nights. Better yet, download the Parent Cue App to stay up to date on what's happening, get parenting tips, and receive weekly cues that are relevant to the exact age and stage of your kid's life. The Parent Cue App aligns directly with our Orange Curriculum.

Does my child have to be a certain age to take Communion?

Communion is the joyful feast of the people of God. This invitation includes children of all ages, although the time at which a child first takes communion is a family decision. We feel it is important to let children know that God loves them, and that they are members of God’s family.

On Communion Sunday, we invite families to attend worship together. This takes place the 1st Sunday of the month.

What safety protocols do you follow?

All volunteers working with the kids and youth of Knox must complete the Safe Haven Policy Training. This training is to be completed every 3 years and includes a background check for those volunteers over the age of 18. If you are interested in volunteering please email

Can my child remain in the service with me?

At Knox Presbyterian Church, we affirm that children are important members of our worshiping community and should feel that they belong to the church family.

You will find children’s worship activity bags, activity sheets and bibles in the back of the Sanctuary.

Wednesday Program

Our Wednesday program is an evening of fun, friends and fellowship for kindergarten through 5th grade during the school year. You can sign up for the entire year, by semester or weekly.

Activities include:
  • Small Group Bible Study
  • Music
  • Games
  • Dinner Together

We will have a mission night at the end of each month where the kids will take part in loving our neighbors in the community through a variety of projects.  Nursery care is available for those volunteering.
To participate in our programs we ask families to complete a permission form for each kid.
Do you have a kid that isn’t able to attend every week for our Wednesday program, but would still like to come? Do you have a friend that would like to join and check out our program? Please use this weekly registration and select the weeks that you are able to attend. We look forward to seeing you!

Featured Events

Follow Knox Kids on social media.

How to Volunteer with Kids

Our Knox Kid Leaders are vital to our kids. They not only show up on Sunday and on Wednesday to teach and love the children of our church, but they also play a role in preparation and events throughout the week. We would love for you to join us in helping equip kids to know and love Jesus for a lifetime!

Safe Haven Policy

Knox Presbyterian Church prepared this Safe Haven policy which applies to all church-related activities that involve minors. It was developed to educate staff and volunteers about their role in appropriately caring for minors including abuse and injury prevention, to provide general procedures that reduce these risks, and implement a method of effective responses to a variety of situations. Updates to this policy can be made by appropriate staff members when needed. If necessary, those changes would be communicated to volunteers.

Contact Us

Questions? We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.

Erin Hartman

Director of Children & Family Ministry

Angel Seitz

Children & Family Ministry Coordinator