“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”

Mark 1:17


Middle School youth are welcome to worship with families or find friends to sit with during the services on Sundays.


8th Grade Confirmation meets Sunday evenings. Learn more about our Confirmation Program. Contact Greta Williams or Kirk Seitz  for additional information.


Middle School Group meets on Wednesday evenings. Each night we will have games, activities, lesson, worship and share a meal together. Learn more and Register for the program.

Special Events

Knox Middle School has special events throughout the year.  Check out the calendar to see what is happening!

Middle School Group

All students who are in Middle School (6th - 8th grades) are welcome to attend Middle School Group. Middle School Group meets Wednesday nights from 5pm - 7pm.

Each night we will have games, activities, lesson, worship and share a meal together - all in our new Middle School room! We will grow together as followers of Jesus while having more fun than seems possible.  

Knox Middle School FAQs

What safety protocols do you follow?

All volunteers working with the kids and youth of Knox must complete the Safe Haven Policy Training. This training is to be completed every 3 years and includes a background check for those volunteers over the age of 18. If you are interested in volunteering please email safehaven@knoxpres.org.

Does my child have to be a certain age to take Communion?

Communion is the joyful feast of the people of God. This invitation includes children of all ages, although the time at which a child first takes communion is a family decision. We feel it is important to let children know that God loves them, and that they are members of God’s family. On Communion Sunday, we invite families to attend worship together. This takes place the 1st Sunday of the month.

Can my child remain in the service with me?

At Knox Presbyterian Church, we affirm that children are important members of our worshiping community and should feel that they belong to the church family.
We believe Middle Schoolers are ready to learn how to worship so we invite them to remain in the Sanctuary for the entire service.

Featured Events

Subscribe to Middle School Newsletter

This is our primary method of communicating with parents throughout the year. 

Contact Us

Questions? We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.

Megan Minor

Youth & Young Adult Ministries Coordinator