Associate Pastor Nominating Committee Updates

APNC Update,  September 18, 2024

The APNC has been hard at work since February, sourcing candidates and meeting weekly to find our next youth leader. At the beginning of our search, the committee met with the Presbytery to discuss the process and were told that the field of candidates is slim and competition is fierce. This has proven to be true: despite several interviews, we have not yet found the right candidate. To help facilitate the process, we have (after prayerful consideration) partnered with Ministry Architects, a contract search firm, to assist us with our search. They have completed their initial work and provided the APNC with their report; we look forward to working with them in months to come to find the right candidate. Please continue in prayer for us, trusting that God will provide the right candidate at the right time. 

APNC Update,  August 28, 2024

The APNC has been hard at work since February, sourcing candidates and meeting weekly to find our next youth leader. At the beginning of our search, the committee met with the Presbytery to discuss the process and they were told that the field of candidates is slim and there are several churches that are looking to fill the same position, therefore, the competition is fierce. This has proven to be true. While we have conducted interviews with multiple candidates, who were all good people, we did not feel that any of them had the background or personality that were the right match for our requirements. After prayerful consideration, we have partnered with Ministry Architects, a contract search firm, to assist us with our search for candidates that meet our basic requirements and will be a good fit for our church culture and to lead our youth in their spiritual journeys.

APNC Update,  April 22, 2024

Our Ministry Discernment Profile is live and the APNC can now begin receiving applications!

APNC Update,  April 10, 2024

Our Associate Pastor Nominating Committee is hard at work! Here is a timeline and update to what's been going on. Please keep this committee and their work in your prayers.

  • January 2024 - Director of Youth and Young Adults, Darin Nettleton, announces his plan to resign to pursue his pastoral vocation, effective June 23, 2024 (after Go and Serve) 
  • February 2024 - Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (APNC) formed to seek new candidates for this position; applicants may be ordained pastors or non-ordained directors

    • Members of the APNC: Mark Barrett, Chris Brischetto, Rene De Coning, Jeff Mach, Beth Schlegel, Sarah Segvich, Linda Teets, Audrey Wieczorek, Greta Williams
  • February- March 2024 - the APNC began meeting weekly to begin preparatory work

    • Training by the Presbytery Staff
    • Equipping by Pastor Becca and Darin 
    • Reading The Godbearing Life by Kenda Dean (a Becca-suggested resource on theology and practice of Youth Ministry) 
    • Writing Knox's "Mission Discernment Profile" (MDP) - the Presbyterian version of a job-advertisement (formerly known as MIF or CIF) that will be placed on the Presbyterian job website for all PC(USA) candidates to access 
  • April 2024 - almost ready to receive candidates 

    • MDP approved by Session at April meeting
    • MDP to be uploaded and live online within the next few weeks 
    • MDP to be translated into non-Presbyterian formats to share within other non-PC(USA) networks 
  • April - May 2024 - hopefully begin receiving and interviewing potential candidates