Knox Room Request & Event Communications
The staff gathers to discuss communication plans at our weekly staff meeting on Tuesdays at 10:30am. Decisions are made about what gets placed in the weekly email, social media and Sunday announcements during that time.
Please follow the steps below to request your room and event communications.
Note: This is a request and will need to be reviewed and approved by staff before it becomes official.
If you have questions you can email
Please follow the steps below to request your room and event communications.
Note: This is a request and will need to be reviewed and approved by staff before it becomes official.
If you have questions you can email

Step One
Contact staff member/council most connected to your ministry/event to verify the alignment to vision and availability in schedule.
If approved by staff/council, move to step 2
If approved by staff/council, move to step 2

Step Two
Check the Building Calendar availability and choose three potential/desired dates for your ministry/event. (Ideally looking more than one month out)
If you see some available dates and times, move to step 3
If you see some available dates and times, move to step 3

Step Three
Fill out our Room Request form with your desired date and rooms for your ministry/event. Note: This is a request and will need to be reviewed and approved by staff before it becomes official. You must receive a verification email to secure that date and room.
If your event does not need to be publicized, you can end at Step 3
If you would like for your event to be publicized within the wider Knox community, move to Step 4
If you would like for your event to be publicized within the wider Knox community, move to Step 4

Step Four
To request communication within the wider Knox community, following the guidelines of our Communications Policy, fill out our Event Communications Request Form a minimum of 3 weeks prior to your ministry/event.
For updates to current announcements, changes are needed by the end of day Monday to be included in the email blast.
Website updates should be submitted at least three weeks before event is needed up on the site.
Website updates should be submitted at least three weeks before event is needed up on the site.